The PRP vampire lift - natural skin rejuvenation with autologous blood

Our blood contains millions of growth factors that can replace or renew ageing or destroyed cells. The completely natural PRP therapy utilises this endogenous power: it uses the patient's own blood to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines and visibly rejuvenate the skin. This method has also been used successfully for years to treat hair loss. This form of therapy for wrinkle injections and extensive skin rejuvenation, which has become known as vampire lifting, especially through Hollywood stars and models, triggers regeneration processes in the skin with biostimulation.

What is PRP and what does it do?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma and has long been used in medicine for wound healing and pain therapy. Platelets and plasma are extracted from the patient's own blood and injected with a fine needle - the most natural anti-ageing method imaginable. The skin renews itself from the inside out, forming new collagen and connective tissue. This makes the skin look fresher and feel firmer. Wrinkles and fine lines are smoothed out - the overall appearance of the skin is improved.

What is being done?

Blood is first drawn for PRP therapy. The quantity depends on the area to be treated (face, neck, décolleté, hands, head/hair). The blood is separated into its components in a special centrifuge so that only the blood plasma and platelets (thrombocytes) can then be used for the injection. These are injected very evenly into the areas of skin to be treated using numerous small pricks. There they unfold their special growth potential: they attract stem cells, which stimulate the natural process of tissue renewal and activate collagen formation.

Which areas can be treated with PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma is not only used to rejuvenate the skin on the face, neckline and décolleté, but is also successfully used to treat hair loss. As it contains a particularly high quantity of platelets, growth factors and proteins, PRP can stimulate rejuvenation and cell regeneration in the hair roots in the scalp. This can stop hair loss and stimulate hair growth at the same time.

Is PRP treatment painful?

For patients who are sensitive to pain, an anaesthetic cream can be applied before the treatment, which lasts for around 40 minutes. How long does the PRP treatment take?
The treatment takes about an hour in total, including the application time of the anaesthetic cream. Immediately afterwards, you can resume normal everyday activities. Possible small haematomas or puncture marks that are still visible in the first few days can be covered with make-up.

Does the PRP treatment have to be repeated?

Although the results of PRP treatment last for up to two years, the intervals between treatments can be shorter depending on how you feel. For optimum results, a treatment cycle comprises three injections at four-week intervals.

Can I combine the treatment with other treatments?

Depending on individual wishes and findings, PRP vampire lifting can also be combined with other methods to further optimise the treatment result. Although PRP leads to a visible rejuvenation of the skin's appearance down to the dermis, if a deep lifting effect is also desired, the treatment can be combined with the micro-focussed ultrasound of Ultherapy® supplement. Combination treatments with Botulinum toxin, Hylauronic acid, Radiesse® and operational measures are of course also possible.

Not sure which method is right for you? Dr Michaela Montanari will be happy to advise you!

PRP Vampire Lifting is suitable for

  • Facial rejuvenation
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Décolleté rejuvenation
  • Hand rejuvenation
  • Hair loss