Dr Michaela Montanari
 Plastic Aesthetic Surgery Bochum


Aesthetic plastic surgery in Bochum from woman to woman.

A competent and empathetic practice team with an interdisciplinary network awaits you with plastic and aesthetic surgery at the highest level.
Our benchmark is you, your ideas and requirements. We aim to achieve and maintain a natural appearance in all aesthetic procedures.


In order to achieve this goal, we use surgical and non-surgical treatment methods equally. Quality and safety are our top priority.

Our range of services is diverse: eyelid correction, wrinkle treatment, intimate surgery, breast augmentation or breast reduction. We also offer customised treatments for men.

We would be happy to advise you in a personal consultation. Please make an appointment so that we can discuss individual options, recommended treatment methods, opportunities and risks.

Your trust, your satisfaction and your well-being are important to us!

All consultations, operations and follow-up treatments are carried out by Dr Montanari herself.

Signature Dr Montanari

Our office hours

Monday0800 – 1300 | 1330 – 1700
Tuesday0800 – 1200 | 1500 – 1900
Wednesday0800 – 1300
Thursday0800 – 1230 | 1330 – 1900
Friday0800 – 1300

Appointments by arrangement.


German Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
German Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Society for Aesthetic and Reconstructive Intimate Surgery Germany e.V.
German Society for Intimate Surgery and Genital Aesthetics e.V.
German Society for Aesthetic Botulinum and Filler Therapy e.V.
Society for Aesthetic Surgery Germany e.V.

Current info

Dr Michaela Montanari


👩‍⚕️Fachärztin for plastic and aesthetic surgery 💉Wrinkles / Filler&BTX ⚪️ Breast surgery 🦵🏼Körperformung 👙Female intimate surgery 🤸🏻Longevity
  • *Montanari am Montag* - Gynäkomastie Die Behandlung der Gynäkomastie, also der verweiblichten Männerbrust, lag im Jahr 2024 auf Platz 2 der am häufigsten durchgeführten ästhetischen Behandlungen bei Männern (Quelle DGÄPC Statistik). Die Vergrößerung der männlichen Brust kann zum einen durch eine überschüssige Fettansammlung bedingt sein. Zum anderen aber auch durch eine übermäßige Zunahme des Brustdrüsengewebes, welches, anlagebedingt, als Folge einer Hormonstörung oder durch Einnahme bestimmter Medikamente bedingt sein kann. Für betroffene Männer stellt sie überwiegend eine psychische Belastung dar, so dass Aktivitäten, bei denen sie sich mit entblößtem Oberkörper zeigen müssten (z. B. Besuche in der Sauna oder im Schwimmbad) bewusst vermieden werden. Aber auch Schmerzen sind nicht unüblich.Sicherlich haben Sie neben ersten Antworten in unserem Video noch sehr viele Fragen zu diesem Thema. Gerne beraten wir Sie ausführlich und führen mit Ihnen gemeinsam nicht nur ein ausführliches Beratungsgespräch, sondern helfen Ihnen auch auf dem Weg zur Anamnese, um Ihnen dann letztlich bei Ihrem Problem helfen zu können. #gynäkomastie #männerbrust #liposuktion #liposuction #fettabsaugung #dgaepcstatistik #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetischechirurgie #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #Ruhrpotts
  • A little fun is a must! With this in mind - raise your hands...🙌🏻...and look till the end👯💃 #friyay #funnyfriday #womenpower #femaleempowerment #teamgoals #togetherstronger #welovebeauty #beauty #skinbeauty #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #wrinkletreatment #antiaging #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
  • *Montanari on Tour* - Expert exchange on bioremodelling in combination with HA fillers Dr Michaela Montanari was on the road again this weekend for further training and exchange. In Munich, she was a speaker at the "Hautnah Structura Tour" on Friday and then on Saturday she exchanged ideas with international colleagues at the International KOL (Key Opinion Leader) Meeting on the topic of bioremodelling in combination with HA fillers in theory and practice: Biocompatible hyaluronic acid, which not only binds water in the skin and thus moisturises the tissue from the inside out, but also stimulates elastin and collagen formation and also stimulates the fatty tissue to rebuild in order to restore lost volume. The skin is rejuvenated, contours become much more visible again and the overall appearance appears plumper, firmer and finer. *Advertising due to brand mention* #ibsa #profhilo #profhilostructura #continuing education #quality management #filler #skinbeauty #skinglow #gettheglow #glowingskin #wrinkle treatment #antiaging #beauty #skinbooster #beautybooster #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
  • ✨🫶🏻Ein Excellent day for Dr Michaela Montanari!🫶🏻✨Today, the Focus certificate for "Recommended Doctors in the Region" arrived in the letterbox and she was also awarded three Focus seals of approval: for the first time in the "Breast Surgery" category, in which she is also one of Germany's certified breast surgeons by the DGPRÄC. And in the categories "Botox & Filler" (for the 5th time in a row) and "Intimate Surgery" (for the 9th time in a row). The methodology of the FOCUS doctors' list is based on three pillars: recommendations by other doctors, extensive self-reporting and publicly available data (e.g. online reviews). The following were researched:* Treatment performance* Reputation* Qualifications* Scientific commitment* Patient services If you are looking for more information, you can find it at: focus-gesundheit.de/top-mediziner/methodikOur greatest honour, however, is: Your trust in us!💙 #award #filler #botox #intimate surgery #breastsurgery #breast top #breast surgery #breast augmentation #breast reduction #breast lift #welovebeauty #beauty #skinbeauty #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery #wrinkle treatment #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott #focus
  • *Montanari on Monday* - Lipoedema Many patients who come to us for liposuction are unaware that they suffer from lipoedema. This is a pathological fat distribution disorder that causes progressive changes/increase in the legs and/or arms as well as pain and increased water retention. Bruising also occurs much more quickly than in those without the disease. In addition to their appearance, patients also suffer from the typical symptoms of the disease. Liposuction can provide significant relief because a large part of the diseased fatty tissue is removed. No doubt you have many questions about this topic. Dr Michaela Montanari and Dr Anna Maria Bugariu will be happy to advise you in detail and discuss your treatment with you, and you can conveniently arrange a consultation via our online booking tool (link in bio).🔝 #lipoedema #lipoedema 1TP5Fat distribution disorder #liposuction #liposuction # Liposuction #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
  • It's our Dr Anna Maria Bugariu's birthday and we wish her all the best! We look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with her in our practice... Happy birthday, dear Anna Maria - we wish you and us that you just stay the way you are - because that makes you perfect 💙@dr.med.annamariabugariu #hanks #happybirthday 1TP5allesliebe 1TP5birthday 1TP5womenpower 1TP5femaleempowerment #eamgoals #ogetherstronger #welovebeauty #beauty 1TP5aestheticsurgery #antiaging #plasticsurgery #cosmetics #wrinkles #skinglow #glowingskin #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
  • *As a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, Dr Michaela Montanari is naturally particularly interested in operations such as facelifts. Nevertheless, it doesn't always have to be a surgical procedure if you want to restore lost elasticity in the tissue. Technologies such as Ultherapy's micro-focussed ultrasound stimulate the formation of new collagen in the tissue and thus ensure gentle, non-surgical skin tightening without downtime. In today's video, Dr Montanari explains whether you are suitable for Ultherapy's non-invasive lifting method and when surgical skin tightening is more suitable. ℹ️ As one of the first users of Ultherapy® in Germany, Dr Montanari can look back on many years of experience and with the new Ultherapy® Prime device, the latest generation of devices with micro-focused ultrasound awaits you at Villa Krockhaus, where we will be happy to advise you in detail on which method is right for you! *1TP5Facelifting #facelift 1TP5Skin tightening #antiaging #ultherapy #ultrasound lifting #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott #skinbeauty #faltenbehandlung
  • We are pleased about a special cooperation with @vflbochum1848.official ! The players Anthony Losilla (@anthonylosilla8 ), Tim Oermann (@tim.oermann ) and Mats Pannewig were with us to boost their regeneration after strenuous training sessions in order to be particularly fit for the upcoming games. With our Alpha Cooling® Professional! It helps (not only😉) professional athletes to regenerate more quickly after training. It is a true longevity miracle that revitalises and rejuvenates from the inside out. And it does this simply by cooling the palms of the hands. Originally developed for competitive sport to improve athletes' performance and achieve rapid regeneration after training, it quickly became clear after the first tests that other complaints also disappear and cell rejuvenation occurs. A new study shows that regular use of AlphaCooling can rejuvenate the biological body by over 7 years: Using Alpha Cooling® lowers the body's core temperature by approx. 1.5 °C, thereby activating the body's own processes. Now we're keeping our fingers crossed for VFL Bochum to pick up 3 points next weekend!💪🏻*Advertising due to brand mention* #alphacooling #vflbochum #leitsungssport #regeneration #longevity #antiaging #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #bochum #ruhrpott
  • Yesterday evening, just before Weiberfastnacht, Villa Krockhaus was full of women! Dr Michaela Montanari was able to give a talk to the Lions Club Allegra - an all-women's club - about the history of the old Villa Krockhaus and aesthetic plastic surgery, which somehow goes together - a lovingly renovated and maintained old building and aesthetic medicine😉We all had great fun, also during the subsequent exchange with the members and President Caroline Gnanko! Thank you so much for visiting us @lionsclub__allegra We wish all the other ladies a merry Weiberfastnacht today!🥳 #lionscluballegra #lionsclub #vortrag #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery 1TP5Wrinkle treatment #Hskin #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #skinglow #gettheglow #glowingskin #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
*Montanari am Montag* – Gynäkomastie Die Behandlung der Gynäkomastie, also der verweiblichten Männerbrust, lag im Jahr 2024 auf Platz 2 der am häufigsten durchgeführten ästhetischen Behandlungen bei Männern (Quelle DGÄPC Statistik). Die Vergrößerung der männlichen Brust kann zum einen durch eine überschüssige Fettansammlung bedingt sein. Zum anderen aber auch durch eine übermäßige Zunahme des Brustdrüsengewebes, welches, anlagebedingt, als Folge einer Hormonstörung oder durch Einnahme bestimmter Medikamente bedingt sein kann. Für betroffene Männer stellt sie überwiegend eine psychische Belastung dar, so dass Aktivitäten, bei denen sie sich mit entblößtem Oberkörper zeigen müssten (z. B. Besuche in der Sauna oder im Schwimmbad) bewusst vermieden werden. Aber auch Schmerzen sind nicht unüblich. Sicherlich haben Sie neben ersten Antworten in unserem Video noch sehr viele Fragen zu diesem Thema. Gerne beraten wir Sie ausführlich und führen mit Ihnen gemeinsam nicht nur ein ausführliches Beratungsgespräch, sondern helfen Ihnen auch auf dem Weg zur Anamnese, um Ihnen dann letztlich bei Ihrem Problem helfen zu können. #gynäkomastie #männerbrust #liposuktion #liposuction #fettabsaugung #dgaepcstatistik #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetischechirurgie #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #Ruhrpotts
2 days ago
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A little fun is a must! With this in mind - raise your hands...🙌🏻 ...and watch to the end👯💃 #friyay #funnyfriday #womenpower #femaleempowerment #teamgoals #togetherstronger #welovebeauty #beauty #skinbeauty #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #wrinkletreatment #antiaging #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
5 days ago
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*Montanari on Tour* - Expert exchange on bioremodelling in combination with HA fillers Dr Michaela Montanari was on the road again this weekend for further training and exchange. In Munich, she was a speaker at the "Hautnah Structura Tour" on Friday and then on Saturday she exchanged views with international colleagues at the International KOL (Key Opinion Leader) Meeting on the topic. on the topic. The topic was bioremodelling in combination with HA fillers in theory and practice. That's what it was all about: Biocompatible hyaluronic acid, which not only binds water in the skin and thus moisturises the tissue from the inside out, but also stimulates elastin and collagen formation and also stimulates the fatty tissue to rebuild in order to restore lost volume. The skin is rejuvenated, contours become much more visible again and the overall appearance appears plumper, firmer and finer. *Advertising due to brand mention* #ibsa #profhilo #profhilostructura #training #quality management #filler #skinbeauty #skinglow #gettheglow #glowingskin #wrinkle treatment #antiaging #beauty #skinbooster #beautybooster #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
1 week ago
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✨🫶🏻Ein Excellent day for Dr Michaela Montanari!🫶🏻✨Today, the Focus certificate for "Recommended Doctors in the Region" arrived in the letterbox and she was also awarded three Focus seals of approval: for the first time in the "Breast Surgery" category, in which she is also one of Germany's certified breast surgeons by the DGPRÄC. And in the categories "Botox & Filler" (for the 5th time in a row) and "Intimate Surgery" (for the 9th time in a row). The methodology of the FOCUS doctors' list is based on three pillars: recommendations by other doctors, extensive self-reporting and publicly available data (e.g. online reviews). The following were researched:* Treatment performance* Reputation* Qualifications* Scientific commitment* Patient services If you are looking for more information, you can find it at: focus-gesundheit.de/top-mediziner/methodikOur greatest honour, however, is: Your trust in us!💙 #award #filler #botox #intimate surgery #breastsurgery #breast top #breast surgery #breast augmentation #breast reduction #breast lift #welovebeauty #beauty #skinbeauty #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery #wrinkle treatment #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott #focus
✨🫶🏻Ein Excellent day for Dr Michaela Montanari!🫶🏻✨Today, the Focus certificate for "Recommended Doctors in the Region" arrived in the letterbox and she was also awarded three Focus seals of approval: for the first time in the "Breast Surgery" category, in which she is also one of Germany's certified breast surgeons by the DGPRÄC. And in the categories "Botox & Filler" (for the 5th time in a row) and "Intimate Surgery" (for the 9th time in a row). The methodology of the FOCUS doctors' list is based on three pillars: recommendations by other doctors, extensive self-reporting and publicly available data (e.g. online reviews). The following were researched:* Treatment performance* Reputation* Qualifications* Scientific commitment* Patient services If you are looking for more information, you can find it at: focus-gesundheit.de/top-mediziner/methodikOur greatest honour, however, is: Your trust in us!💙 #award #filler #botox #intimate surgery #breastsurgery #breast top #breast surgery #breast augmentation #breast reduction #breast lift #welovebeauty #beauty #skinbeauty #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery #wrinkle treatment #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott #focus
✨🫶🏻Ein Excellent day for Dr Michaela Montanari!🫶🏻✨Today, the Focus certificate for "Recommended Doctors in the Region" arrived in the letterbox and she was also awarded three Focus seals of approval: for the first time in the "Breast Surgery" category, in which she is also one of Germany's certified breast surgeons by the DGPRÄC. And in the categories "Botox & Filler" (for the 5th time in a row) and "Intimate Surgery" (for the 9th time in a row). The methodology of the FOCUS doctors' list is based on three pillars: recommendations by other doctors, extensive self-reporting and publicly available data (e.g. online reviews). The following were researched:* Treatment performance* Reputation* Qualifications* Scientific commitment* Patient services If you are looking for more information, you can find it at: focus-gesundheit.de/top-mediziner/methodikOur greatest honour, however, is: Your trust in us!💙 #award #filler #botox #intimate surgery #breastsurgery #breast top #breast surgery #breast augmentation #breast reduction #breast lift #welovebeauty #beauty #skinbeauty #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery #wrinkle treatment #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott #focus
✨🫶🏻Ein Excellent day for Dr Michaela Montanari!🫶🏻✨ The Focus certificate for "Recommended Doctors in the Region" arrived in the letterbox today and she was also awarded three Focus seals of approval: for the first time in the "Breast Surgery" category, in which she is also one of Germany's certified breast surgeons by the DGPRÄC. And in the categories "Botox & Filler" (for the 5th time in a row) and "Intimate Surgery" (for the 9th time in a row). The methodology of the FOCUS doctors' list is based on three pillars: recommendations by other doctors, a comprehensive self-report and publicly available data (e.g. online reviews). The following were researched: * Treatment performance * Reputation * Qualifications * Scientific commitment * Patient services If you are looking for further information, please visit: focus-gesundheit.de/top-mediziner/methodik But our greatest honour is: your trust in us! #award #filler #botox #intimate surgery #breastsurgery #breast top #breast surgery #breast augmentation #breast reduction #breast lift #welovebeauty #beauty #skinbeauty #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery #wrinkle treatment #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott #focus
2 weeks ago
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*Montanari on Monday* - Lipoedema Many patients who come to us for liposuction are unaware that they suffer from lipoedema. This is a pathological fat distribution disorder that causes progressive changes/increase in the legs and/or arms as well as pain and increased water retention. Bruising also occurs much more quickly than in people without the condition. In addition to their appearance, patients also suffer from the typical symptoms of the disease. Liposuction can provide significant relief because a large part of the diseased fatty tissue is removed. No doubt you have many questions about this topic. Dr Michaela Montanari and Dr Anna Maria Bugariu will be happy to advise you in detail and discuss your treatment with you. You can conveniently arrange a consultation via our online booking tool (link in bio).🔝 #lipoedema #lipoedema 1TP5Fat distribution disorder #liposuction #liposuction 1TP5Liposuction #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
2 weeks ago
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It's our Dr Anna Maria Bugariu's birthday and we wish her all the best! We look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with her in our practice... Happy birthday, dear Anna Maria - we wish you and us that you just stay the way you are - because you are perfect 💙 @dr.med.annamariabugariu #hanks #happybirthday #allesliebe 1TP5Birthday 1TP5Womenpower #femaleempowerment #teamgoals #togetherstronger #welovebeauty #beauty #aestheticsurgery #antiaging #plasticsurgery #cosmetics #wrinkles #skinglow #glowingskin #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
3 weeks ago
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*Montanari on Monday* Lifting with or without incision? As a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, Dr Michaela Montanari is of course particularly interested in operations such as facelifts. However, it doesn't always have to be a surgical procedure if you want to restore lost elasticity in the tissue. Technologies such as Ultherapy's micro-focussed ultrasound stimulate the formation of new collagen in the tissue and thus ensure gentle, non-surgical skin tightening without downtime. In today's video, Dr Montanari explains whether you are suitable for Ultherapy's non-invasive lifting method and when surgical skin tightening is more suitable. ℹ️ As one of the first users of Ultherapy® in Germany, Dr Montanari can look back on many years of experience and with the new Ultherapy® Prime device, the latest generation of devices with micro-focused ultrasound awaits you at Villa Krockhaus. We will be happy to advise you in detail as to which method is right for you! *Advertising due to brand name* #Facelifting #facelift #skin tightening #antiaging #ultherapy #ultrasound lifting #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery #plasticsurgery #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott #skinbeauty #faltenbehandlung
3 weeks ago
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We are pleased about a special cooperation with @vflbochum1848.official ! The players Anthony Losilla (@anthonylosilla8 ), Tim Oermann (@tim.oermann ) and Mats Pannewig were with us to boost their regeneration after strenuous training sessions in order to be particularly fit for the upcoming games. How did they do it? With our Alpha Cooling® Professional! It helps (not only😉) professional athletes to regenerate more quickly after training. It is a true longevity miracle that revitalises and rejuvenates from the inside out. And it does this simply by cooling the palms of the hands. Originally developed for competitive sport to improve athletes' performance and achieve rapid regeneration after training, it quickly became clear after the first tests that other complaints also disappear and cell rejuvenation occurs. A new study shows that regular use of AlphaCooling can rejuvenate the biological system by over 7 years. This is how it works: Using Alpha Cooling® lowers the body's core temperature by approx. 1.5 °C, thereby activating the body's own processes. Now we're keeping our fingers crossed for VFL Bochum to pick up 3 points next weekend!💪🏻 *Advertising due to brand name* #alphacooling #vflbochum #leitsungssport #regeneration #longevity #antiaging #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetischechirurgie #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #bochum #ruhrpott
4 weeks ago
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Yesterday evening, just before Weiberfastnacht, Villa Krockhaus was full of women! Dr Michaela Montanari was able to give a talk to the Lions Club Allegra - an all-women's club - about the history of the old Villa Krockhaus and aesthetic plastic surgery, which somehow goes together - a lovingly renovated and maintained old building and aesthetic medicine😉We all had great fun, also during the subsequent exchange with the members and President Caroline Gnanko! Thank you so much for visiting us @lionsclub__allegra We wish all the other ladies a merry Weiberfastnacht today!🥳 #lionscluballegra #lionsclub #vortrag #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery 1TP5Wrinkle treatment #Hskin #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #skinglow #gettheglow #glowingskin #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
Yesterday evening, just before Weiberfastnacht, Villa Krockhaus was full of women! Dr Michaela Montanari was able to give a talk to the Lions Club Allegra - an all-women's club - about the history of the old Villa Krockhaus and aesthetic plastic surgery, which somehow goes together - a lovingly renovated and maintained old building and aesthetic medicine😉We all had great fun, also during the subsequent exchange with the members and President Caroline Gnanko! Thank you so much for visiting us @lionsclub__allegra We wish all the other ladies a merry Weiberfastnacht today!🥳 #lionscluballegra #lionsclub #vortrag #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery 1TP5Wrinkle treatment #Hskin #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #skinglow #gettheglow #glowingskin #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
Yesterday evening, just before Weiberfastnacht, Villa Krockhaus was full of women! Dr Michaela Montanari was able to give a talk to the Lions Club Allegra - an all-women's club - about the history of the old Villa Krockhaus and aesthetic plastic surgery, which somehow goes together - a lovingly renovated and maintained old building and aesthetic medicine😉We all had great fun, also during the subsequent exchange with the members and President Caroline Gnanko! Thank you so much for visiting us @lionsclub__allegra We wish all the other ladies a merry Weiberfastnacht today!🥳 #lionscluballegra #lionsclub #vortrag #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery 1TP5Wrinkle treatment #Hskin #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #skinglow #gettheglow #glowingskin #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
Yesterday evening, just before Weiberfastnacht, Villa Krockhaus was full of women! Dr Michaela Montanari was able to give a talk to the Lions Club Allegra - an all-women's club - about the history of the old Villa Krockhaus and aesthetic plastic surgery, which somehow goes together - a lovingly renovated and maintained old building and aesthetic medicine😉We all had great fun, also during the subsequent exchange with the members and President Caroline Gnanko! Thank you so much for visiting us @lionsclub__allegra We wish all the other ladies a merry Weiberfastnacht today!🥳 #lionscluballegra #lionsclub #vortrag #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aesthetic surgery 1TP5Wrinkle treatment #Hskin #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #skinglow #gettheglow #glowingskin #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
Yesterday evening, just before Weiberfastnacht, Villa Krockhaus was full of women! Dr Michaela Montanari was invited to speak to the Lions Club Allegra - an all-women's club - about the history of the old Villa Krockhaus and aesthetic plastic surgery. It kind of goes together - a lovingly renovated and maintained old building and aesthetic medicine😉 We all had a lot of fun, including chatting with the members and President Caroline Gnanko afterwards! Thank you so much for visiting us! @lionsclub__allegra We wish all the other ladies a cheerful Weiberfastnacht today! #lionscluballegra #lionsclub #vortrag #aestheticexpert #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #faltenbehandlung #Haut #antiaging #plasticsurgery #wrinkles #skinglow #gettheglow #glowingskin #aestheticdoctors #aesthetics #loveyourself #selflove #antiaging #bochum #ruhrpott
4 weeks ago
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Excellent performance

Top physicians 2017 to 2025

Dr Michaela Montanari is one of the top doctors in Germany. This is the result of an extensive study carried out by the independent research institute MINQ on behalf of the news magazine FOCUS. Dr Michaela Montanari is characterised by outstanding performance in the field of intimate surgery.

The doctors who are among the most highly recommended in the country in the Germany-wide FOCUS comparison receive the "TOP MEDIC" award. *


Premium clinics & practices

Dr Michaela Montanari and her practice are members of the elite medical association Premium Kliniken & Praxen. This is a quality alliance of first-class medical specialists in Germany and Switzerland. Membership of this elite medical association is only possible on the recommendation of a committee of renowned experts in the respective speciality.

Patients benefit from treatment by a PREMIUM doctor:

  • medical expertise of leading specialists
  • many years of medical experience due to particularly high case numbers
  • Transparency about every treatment step
  • Consideration of the individual personality of each patient and their specific needs
Dr Michaela Montanari is a member of

Top 5 user award for Dr Montanari


Dr Montanari's practice was awarded the Top 5 seal for Radiesse® users on 12 November 2014. Alongside clinics and practices in Hamburg, Düsseldorf and Munich, Dr Montanari is therefore one of the top 5 clinics and practices in Germany for wrinkle and volume treatment with Radiesse®.


Competence centre

Multiple awards

Radiesse competence centre

Dr Michaela Montanari's practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery has been named a Radiesse Centre of Excellence. In a Radiesse® Competence Centre, you will find specially trained specialists who are highly experienced in the use of Radiesse® and have outstanding expertise in aesthetic wrinkle and volume treatment.


You can recognise the Radiesse® competence centres by this award.

Further information on Radiesse®: Radiesse


Belotero® Competence Centre

Dr Michaela Montanari's practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery has also been named a Belotero® Centre of Excellence. In a Belotero® Competence Centre, you will find specially trained specialists who are highly experienced in the use of Belotero® hyaluronic acid fillers and have outstanding expertise in aesthetic wrinkle and volume treatment.
belotero competence centre[1]

Praxis+Award quality seal

The overall performance of the practice takes centre stage

Practice Dr Michaela Montanari has been awarded the Praxis+Award quality seal. This is an independent, objective and neutral seal of quality that focuses on the overall performance of the practice - and not just the performance of the doctor.

In particular, attention is paid to factors that are important to patients when choosing a medical practice, such as the external appearance, service and performance of a practice.

The whole team at Dr Montanari's practice is delighted with this special award!

You can find more on this topic here: https://www.plusaward.de/

PPA Seal 2025 4 stars Q1-2026

Quality assurance seal of the DGPRAEC

Excellent quality

Dr Michaela Montanari's plastic and aesthetic surgery practice has been awarded the 2024 quality assurance seal of the DGPRAEC (German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons), as it was in 2011 and 2012.


By awarding the certificate, the DGPRÄC certifies that the practice fulfils these extensive quality requirements.


The DGPRÄC quality seal is only awarded to specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery after six years of training. They must also demonstrate a high level of expertise in all plastic surgery procedures in breast surgery. By awarding the certificate, the DGPRÄC certifies that the practice fulfils these high quality requirements.

DGPRÄC Award Dr Michaela Montanari

myBody® seal of quality

Seal of approval for aesthetic plastic surgery


Dr Michaela Montanari has been listed as a top specialist on myBody.de for over 10 years and has therefore been awarded the myBody seal of quality.

The myBody® seal of quality confirms the high quality standards we set for our medical services, our service and the information we offer. As a holder of the myBody® quality seal, we can clearly demonstrate our qualifications and specialisations. This also includes proof of consistent further training measures in the chosen specialist area and membership of a renowned specialist society/professional association. We maintain a personal relationship with our patients, guarantee fast processing times, a transparent information policy and the confidential treatment of data. We have committed ourselves to continuously complying with the audited standards and have issued a binding quality promise. As there are now numerous so-called "quality seals" in the field of aesthetic medicine, which often appears opaque to many patients, myBody follows a strict selection process from the outset, which emphasises different quality criteria.

The following criteria are fulfilled or are standard for us:

  • Recognised specialist title
  • Proven wealth of experience and a great deal of professional expertise
  • Consistent further training in the specialised field
  • Competent medical advice
  • Medical materials and products at EU safety level
  • Systematic and well-founded hygiene
  • Distinctive customer friendliness and individual support
  • Prompt appointment allocation and good availability
  • up-to-date and helpful information

Private practice Dr Michaela Montanari

"The preservation of natural beauty, your personal well-being and the combination of the medically sensible with aesthetics is my primary treatment goal. The benchmark for all treatment approaches is you, your ideas and requirements."

Our range of services