Celullite treatment / orange peel skin treatment

Associated terms:
Treatment of orange peel skin, dents in the skin, cellulite, dents in the thighs and buttocks, connective tissue weakness

Cellulite affects 95% of women over the age of 30. The pressure that the fat deposits exert on the skin, combined with blood circulation problems, results in the so-called "orange peel skin". The skin shows unevenness and a wave-like structure. Localised water retention and skin sagging can also occur. There can be many reasons for this: hormonal, genetic, but also lifestyle-related.

With the X-WAVE acoustic wave therapy (shock wave therapy) in combination with the BTL EXILIS ELITE™

Cellulite, commonly known as orange peel skin, is caused by irregularly enlarged fat cells that push through the thin skin and thus create the unsightly dimpled appearance. Diets and exercise bring only slight improvement. However, anyone looking for an innovative, effective, non-invasive treatment method should take a look at the new device BTL EXILIS ELITE™ set: Using radio frequency in combination with non-focussed ultrasound, the heat has a targeted effect on cellulite and fat deposits. The skin is tightened and fat cells are gently dissolved. 

Thanks to the layering technique, which is unique to this device, the user can penetrate the tissue to different depths and treat it extremely efficiently.
The additional treatments with the acoustic wave therapy of the X-WAVE support the gentle dissolution of fat cells, the removal via stimulation of blood circulation and collagen production. 

It also improves the skin's structure and elasticity. This is why the X-WAVE treatment is also suitable for improving stretch marks and scars.

With mesotherapy

Bodyfirm is effective against cellulite and decreasing skin firmness. The complex composition of active ingredients (carnitine, caffeine, silicon, artichoke, Centella asiatica, Ruscus aculeatus) has a draining and targeted firming effect on the tissue. The skin becomes visibly smoother, firmer and tighter. The active ingredients are introduced using a dermaroller.

Thanks to microneedling, blood circulation is stimulated, which already has a very positive effect in cellulite treatment. The additional transdermal penetration of the mesoline® BODYFIRM active ingredients has a slimming, draining and firming effect, resulting in a reduction of cellulite (orange peel skin).