Patient information Longevity / longevity

A comprehensive overview

What is longevity?

Longevity, or longevity, refers to the ability to live a long and healthy life. It encompasses a variety of approaches and methods aimed at prolonging life and improving quality of life. This can be achieved through diet, exercise, medical interventions and innovative therapies.

As average life expectancy increases, more and more people are concerned with the question of how the personal risk of age-related diseases can be reduced or how healthy ageing can be achieved.

What is the difference between life expectancy and longevity?

Life expectancy measures lifespan, while longevity focuses on quality of life and healthy ageing. The aim is not only to keep people healthy and active for longer, but also to keep them healthy and active for longer.

What factors influence longevity?

After a US-American study a healthy lifestyle influences longevity. This includes, for example, not smoking, physical fitness, little to no alcohol, stress management, positive social relationships, etc.. In addition to physical fitness, this also includes cognitive abilities. Targeted exercises could have a supportive and beneficial effect here.

Influence of exercise on longevity

Exercise promotes longevity by improving physical fitness, cardiovascular system, musculature and metabolism. Studies show that regularly active people have a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Exercise also has a positive effect on mental health, reduces stress, lifts the mood and increases well-being. Activities such as yoga, dancing and hiking are particularly beneficial. In addition, group or team sports promote social interaction and strengthen a sense of belonging - important factors for a long, fulfilling life.

Longevity and nutrition

A balanced diet provides essential nutrients, strengthens the immune system and prevents diet-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It also improves mental health, reduces the risk of depression and anxiety and increases concentration and cognitive performance. It also promotes regeneration, muscle health and physical performance, improves sleep and reduces stress. In the long term, it contributes to a longer, more fulfilling life by supporting physical and mental health as well as mobility and independence in old age. Overall, a healthy diet is a key component of a healthy lifestyle.

Stress management for a longer life

Stress can have a negative impact on your health. According to statistics, chronic stress increases the risk of death. It also increases the risk of illness. Effective and successful stress management can therefore have a positive effect on your longevity and promote your health.

What can we do for your longevity?

It is not always possible to adhere to all the points that promote longevity. Stressful situations, overload or illness can lead to additional measures being useful. Supplementary measures can promote regeneration, vitality, relaxation or stress management.

We can offer you the following measures, which can be used individually or in combination:

Drip spas and vitamin infusions

Drip spas are intravenous therapies to supply the body directly and without detours with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. These drips are available in a wide variety of designs. They have become increasingly popular in recent years as they allow nutrients to be absorbed more quickly and efficiently.

Drip Spa - Vitamin & nutrient boost in Bochum

vitamin c boost

Alpha Cooling

Alpha Cooling is an innovative cold therapy. It aims to lower the body temperature to promote anti-inflammatory and regenerative processes.

Alpha Cooling® - for a better attitude to life

Alpha Cooling® - for a better attitude to life


The loss of tone in the pelvic floor muscles can lead to involuntary loss of urine. The associated psychological problems lead to an impaired quality of life. During treatment, an extremely strong, focussed electromagnetic field is generated.

BTL EMSELLA for pelvic floor tightening with the woman

BTL EMSELLA for the treatment of incontinence and potency disorders in men


What is the procedure?

In the first step, we determine your treatment options by taking a detailed medical history. Only after a detailed examination can we determine whether support is appropriate in your case and which method is likely to be successful for you. We can therefore only tell you the exact costs for your treatment after an examination.


Longevity encompasses a variety of methods and therapies aimed at prolonging life and improving quality of life. Drip spas and vitamin infusions offer a fast and efficient way to provide the body with essential nutrients, while Alpha Cooling offers anti-inflammatory and regenerative benefits and BTL EMSELLA restores control of the urethra by tightening the pelvic muscles. By integrating these innovative approaches into your lifestyle, you can optimise your health, well-being and anti-ageing efforts.

Do you have any questions?

We will be happy to answer all your questions. Arrange your personal consultation. 

Our specialists for plastic and aesthetic surgery

Dr Michaela Montanari
Dr Michaela Montanari
Specialist for
Plastic and aesthetic surgery
Specialist for surgery
Dr Anna Maria Bugariu
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Plastic and aesthetic surgery