Counselling & treatment

Your counselling session

The consultation serves to get to know each other, because trust on both sides is the basic prerequisite for optimal treatment. It is important for me to understand your personal and health situation as well as your ideas and expectations in order to show you sensible solutions.

Of course, this also includes comprehensive information about the relevant pre- and post-treatment. Possible risks or complications that may be associated with the procedure must be discussed in just as much detail as the questions of whether and what illnesses you have, what medication you are taking and to what extent you consume alcohol and cigarettes.

For aesthetic procedures, you will receive a detailed cost estimate so that you can calculate the financial outlay. You are welcome to bring someone you trust with you to any consultation.

After the interview, you will have enough time to analyse the information gained and make a decision.

If you have decided to have a procedure, we will arrange a second appointment to discuss any questions that may have arisen in the meantime and to plan the procedure with your individual characteristics and goals in mind.

If an anaesthetic is planned for you, you will then also have the opportunity to talk to the anaesthesia team about the type of anaesthetic and the risks.

We are also happy to coordinate the fitting of any planned corsetry at this appointment. To this end, we utilise our existing network of cooperating partners in order to provide you with an optimal and smooth process.

We want you to feel that you are in good hands.

Your treatment and aftercare

Many procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Modern rooms are available for post-operative monitoring during major operations. A qualified team, modern operating theatre techniques and the comfortable equipment in the rooms form the basis for your comprehensive care and post-operative care during your stay.

We usually arrange appointments for check-ups. Of course, we are always available for you even after an operation so that you feel that you are in good hands with us throughout the entire treatment period.

Of course, we are also there for you after the operation for counselling and support during the healing process.


Costs for surgical services always depend on the findings and the resulting treatment costs. They are therefore always individualised, but can be specified during the detailed and personal consultation.

On request, we can of course provide you with a price range for the individual measures to give you an overview of the costs involved.

The Therapeutic Products Advertising Act prohibits free medical consultations or medical services. I therefore take the liberty of charging a consultation fee of €49.17 according to GOÄ for aesthetic consultations. If necessary, a separate physical examination may be required. The costs for aesthetic services are usually paid before the planned procedure.

The costs of medical consultations are covered by private health insurance. The fees for medically necessary procedures are also covered by private health insurance.

Follow-up cost insurance

In the hands of an experienced specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, cosmetic operations are relatively low-risk procedures. Despite the utmost care, the possibility of complications is always present with every surgical procedure.

The costs of any follow-up treatment that may be necessary for an operation that is not medically indicated, as is usually the case with aesthetic surgery, are to be borne by the patient in an appropriate amount, at least in part, in accordance with Section 52 (2) SGB. You are also not entitled to sickness benefit.

There are various providers of follow-up cost insurance on the market. These can be used to cover any follow-up costs.


If you would like to finance your treatment, there are various providers. For legal reasons, we are not permitted to make any recommendations ourselves.

Our specialists for plastic and aesthetic surgery

Dr Michaela Montanari
Dr Michaela Montanari
Specialist for
Plastic and aesthetic surgery
Specialist for surgery
Dr Anna Maria Bugariu
Specialist for
Plastic and aesthetic surgery