Breast reconstruction / breast reconstruction

A breast cancer diagnosis or early detection of breast cancer are often the reason why it becomes necessary to remove parts of the breast, the whole breast or even both breasts. Accidents can also mean that breast tissue has to be irreversibly removed. Many affected women would like to regain their sense of femininity following their serious illness and would like a breast reconstruction. This is where reconstructive breast surgery comes into play, with the aim of restoring shape, size and symmetry in order to regain a sense of aesthetic well-being.

Which techniques are used in breast reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction is a highly individualised surgical procedure that depends on the findings. This can involve local flap surgery, reconstruction with an expander and then with an implant, as well as a Reconstruction with autologous fat can be used. A nipple reconstruction (reconstruction of the nipple complex, nipple-areola complex) may also be necessary, either frequently or on its own. Here we offer various techniques that allow an extremely lifelike reconstruction.

How is breast reconstruction performed?

How breast reconstruction is performed depends very much on the technique chosen. Nevertheless, all operations in this area are performed on an outpatient basis and under general anaesthetic. Depending on the technique and findings, the procedure takes approx. 1 - 2 hours. If an expander has to be inserted to pre-stretch the breast tissue before an implant is inserted, two operations are necessary several months apart.

What needs to be considered after breast reconstruction?

If wound drains were inserted during the operation, these can usually be removed after 1-2 days. Suture material is removed after 2 weeks.

To support the breast shape during the healing phase, we recommend wearing a compression bra day and night for a period of 6 weeks. In addition, it may be necessary to wear a chest strap for at least 14 days to prevent the implants from slipping or twisting. You should also not sleep on your stomach for the first two weeks.

In general, you will be largely symptom-free again after just a few days and, depending on the activity, will be able to work after 1-2 weeks. If there are no complications, you should only resume sports training, lifting loads and overhead work after approx. 6 weeks.

The final result is usually seen after 3-6 months.

To help the scars heal, you can treat them with a moisturising cream. Also protect them from direct sunlight to avoid hyperpigmentation.

Frequently asked questions and answers about breast reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that usually results in a permanent change in breast size and shape.

For implant placement: Although the implants we use have a lifelong guarantee, this does not mean that they can necessarily remain in your body for the rest of your life. We therefore recommend that you have the implants checked by us after ten years at the latest so that we can decide together whether it makes sense to replace them.

With autologous fat: A major advantage of autologous fat is that it does not break down to a large extent and therefore remains permanently in the tissue. With the Lipofilling of the breast experience has shown that a small percentage of the autologous fat does not grow into the tissue and breaks down again. Therefore, one or two follow-up sessions may be necessary.

The pain can vary depending on the individual's sensitivity to pain and the type of technique used, but is usually very bearable and subsides quickly in the first few days after the operation. To alleviate the discomfort, we will provide you with painkillers and medication to take home to make you as comfortable as possible, minimise the risk of infection and promote rapid healing. The pain usually subsides after a week, but it can take several weeks or months for the swelling and bruising to disappear completely. The scars fade over time but remain permanently visible.

Breast reconstruction is always associated with a surgical procedure and therefore also involves risks. In addition to the normal surgical risks (e.g. infection, post-operative bleeding, haematoma formation), the use of implants also involves so-called capsular fibrosis or capsular contracture. In these cases, the breast implant and capsule should be removed. A new implant can then be inserted (implant exchange) or an alternative method of breast reconstruction (e.g. with autologous fat) can be used. The risk of capsular fibrosis can be minimised by a slightly rough surface of the implant, insertion of the implant under the muscle and extensive protection of the tissue during the operation.

Another important aspect is the possibility of displacement of the breast implant (implant dislocation). Consistently wearing a customised bra with a breast strap after the operation helps to reduce the risk of this.

As breast reconstruction is necessary in the majority of cases following a serious medical condition, most health insurance companies will cover the costs on presentation of the relevant reports.

As with many other plastic surgery operations, the cost of a burst reconstruction depends very much on your individual findings. The calculation is based on the GoÄ (scale of fees for doctors) and are as follows between 5500 and 8000 euros. We can therefore only give you a binding cost estimate during a personal consultation.

Under certain conditions, breast reconstruction can also be covered by health insurance.

In a personal and individual consultation, we will be happy to analyse your wishes and expectations and discuss in detail the realistic results to be expected, conceivable risks and any possible complications in order to design a treatment concept that is right for you.