Breast reduction - when your own breasts become a burden

Overly large breasts can have a considerable impact on the lives of those affected and become a burden. In addition to the disturbing appearance and the strain on the soul, overly large breasts can cause physical complaints. In addition to pain and tension in the spine - especially in the neck, with postural problems and headaches, this also includes visible marks and chafed areas caused by bra straps, as well as eczema, inflammation and other skin problems on the underside of the breast.

Enlarged breasts can be hereditary, caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy, breastfeeding or the menopause, but can also result from weight gain.

Although the costs of this procedure are often not covered by health insurance, in many cases it is not a purely aesthetic procedure, but a medically sensible one that quickly leads to a very high level of satisfaction among the women affected.

Which surgical techniques are used for a breast reduction?

There are different surgical techniques for breast reduction that can be used depending on the existing breast findings and skin quality. In the so-called I-incision technique, the incisions run around the areola to be reduced and then vertically as a line to the lower breast fold. A further scar along the inframammary fold may be necessary (T-incision technique) and is usually barely visible through the overlying breast. In order to achieve a stable breast shape in the long term, the newly shaped breast tissue is fixed to the chest muscles, forming a so-called "inner bra".

How is breast reduction surgery performed?

A breast reduction is a surgical procedure in which excess breast tissue is removed to reduce the size and weight of the breasts and thus change their shape. The nipple is also lifted during the reduction. This is usually done without affecting the nerves and vessels in this area, which are important for blood circulation and sensitivity. Nevertheless, the sensation in the nipple may be reduced due to the scarring. The ability to breastfeed may also be restricted after this procedure, even if the operation is performed while maintaining the ability to breastfeed.

The operation is performed under inpatient conditions under general anaesthetic and takes three to four hours, depending on the technique and findings. To support the shape of the breast during the healing phase, we recommend wearing a compression bra for six weeks, both during the day and at night. The wound drains inserted during the operation can usually be removed after one to two days and the suture material after two weeks. In general, you will be largely symptom-free again after just a few days and, depending on your professional activity, will be able to work after two weeks. However, if there are no complications, you should only resume sport after around six weeks. The final result is usually achieved after three to six months.

According to current studies, the individual risk of breast cancer is reduced by removing glandular tissue during breast reduction.

What needs to be considered after breast reduction surgery?

After a breast reduction, it is important to take it easy to avoid complications and achieve an optimal result. Here are some tips on what you should bear in mind after the operation:

  • Wear a special bra that supports and protects your breasts. This should be worn day and night for at least six weeks.
  • Avoid physical exertion, heavy lifting and sport for at least four weeks, as this can impair wound healing and lead to bleeding or infection.
  • Sleep on your back or side to avoid unnecessary pressure on the breasts.
  • Treat the scars with a moisturising cream and protect them from direct sunlight to prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • Take your painkillers, antibiotics and other medication as discussed with us
  • Check your breasts regularly for swelling, redness, warmth, fluid leakage or other signs of infection or seroma (an accumulation of fluid under the skin). If you notice such symptoms, please contact us immediately

Questions and answers about breast reduction

There is no universal BMI that is required for a breast reduction. The BMI is a measure of the ratio of body weight to height and can vary depending on muscle mass, age, gender and other factors.

Nevertheless, it is important to have a healthy body weight and to maintain it in order to minimise the risks of the operation. A major weight loss or gain after breast reduction surgery can, among other things, affect the result. A loss of body weight also leads to a loss of breast volume. Weight gain, on the other hand, can lead to a renewed enlargement of the breasts, which can result in tension, stretch marks or asymmetries.

A breast reduction is a surgical procedure that usually a permanent change in theg of breast size and shape. However, the breasts can continue to change over time due to ageing, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hormonal fluctuations or weight changes despite surgery. These factors can cause the breasts to lose volume or sag, or they can become larger again. It is therefore important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after breast reduction surgery in order to preserve the result for as long as possible.

In general, it can be said that a breast reduction lasts at least 10 to 15 years if no major changes occur in the body. Some women are satisfied with the result for even longer, while others need a revision or another operation after this time to readjust their breasts.

The pain can vary depending on the individual sensitivity to pain The symptoms vary depending on the type of surgery and the technique used, but they usually subside quickly in the first few days after the operation.

To alleviate the discomfort, we will provide you with painkillers and medication to take home to make you as comfortable as possible, minimise the risk of infection and promote rapid healing. The pain usually subsides after a week, but it can take several weeks or months for the swelling and bruising to disappear completely. The scars fade over time but remain permanently visible.

Unfortunately, the costs of a breast reduction are rarely covered by health insurance. Several specialist reports are usually required in order to obtain a Medical necessity for the intervention.

As with many other plastic surgery operations, the costs for a burst reduction depend very much on your individual findings and are dependent on the local findings and the extent of the operation. Depending on the findings and the corsetry required, these are between 5000 Euro and 9000 Euro. The calculation is based on the GoÄ (scale of fees for doctors). We can therefore only give you a binding cost estimate during a personal consultation.