Eyebrow correction / brow lift

Brow lift without surgery with Ultherapy®

Associated terms:
Brow lift, brow lift, brow pexy, brow pexy, brow lift, eyebrow fixation, Ultherapy®brow lift without surgery, eyebrow correction

Due to the natural ageing process, the skin loses its natural elasticity. If the tissue on the forehead sags, the eyebrows can droop, leading to heavy upper eyelids and a tired facial expression.

In order to regain a fresh expression, the eyebrows can be lifted as part of an eyebrow lift after analysing the position of the eyebrows in detail. Upper eyelid lift make sense.

More about Ultherapy®-Treatment

Brief overview:

Duration of treatment:
20 minutes

not required

Follow-up treatment:
not necessary

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