
Primarily beauty means charisma, attractiveness and harmony and is consistent with the personal happiness.

The signs of aging are usually particularly striking on the face. Volume and proportion shifts as well as tissue slackening in combination with gravity can disturb the facial harmony and are presented as follows:

  • wrinkles, sagging skin or excess fatty tissue in the neck
  • loss of jawline contour with sagging cheeks
  • formation of eye bags and the so-called tear trough
  • flattening of the zygomatic arch
  • fold in the cheek area with volume depletion on the cheeks (hollow cheeks)
  • depth fold between nose and mouth (so-called nasolabial fold)
  • lack of volume at the lip

So a common motivation to perform a facelift is the desire for a more fresh and rested look.

The decision of the treatment technique (tightening in several layers of tissue as well as correction of the above proportion shifts) is depending on the degree of sagging and wrinkling. It is not only removing excess and inelastic skin but also back positioning of the fatty tissue on the face and re-modelling.

The later scare of face-lifting are hidden. They run directly in the natural crease in front and on the back of the ear and in the hairy area of the head.

After performing a facelift the addition of other procedures (botulinum toxin treatment, wrinkle injections, eyelid correction, eyebrow or forehead lift) may be useful to achieve an overall natural and harmonious look.

In a personal and individual consultation we will gladly analyse your needs and expectations and design a coherent treatment plan for you.

We offer different operation methods depending on your facial contours:

Mini-lift (small lift, S-lift)

This technique is suitable for younger patients. There is a minimal scarring course in front of the ear and along the temple. Note that a "mini-lift" can only have a "mini effect" and the result can have a shorter durability.

Midface lift (advanced MACS-lift with eyelid surgery)

Using special techniques the tissue of the lower eye area and cheek can be repositioned into a more youthful position. This is done with a removal of the excess skin on the lower eyelid. A fast recovery is to be expected since there is often very little facial skin which needs to be released.

SMAS facelift (neck and cheek lift, sagging cheeks)

The skin and the underlying tissue of the framework of the face (called SMAS) have to be lifted and then tighten again when there is higher wrinkling on the cheeks and excess skin on the neck. The more intense intervention has the advantage of a very long durability of the result.

Follow-up treatment

Depending on the extent the procedure is done on an ambulatory or stationary basis.

To avoid stronger swelling you should be cooling and only lie with an elevated position of the head.

The first dressing change is performed on the first day after the surgery. The head can be washed again three days after the surgery. Physical effort should be avoided until the suture removal on day 14. Most swelling and bruising fade away within the first 2 weeks. Depending on the type of facelift the patient is socially incapable for 1-2 weeks. Stress restrictions can last 1 to 3 weeks more.